野鳥繁殖期,住家的窗簷、陽台冷氣孔上甚至盆栽常會被築巢,住戶則是兩樣情, 有人趁巢未築好即予以破壞,有更多住戶是樂見其成,並觀察繁殖過程,甚至強化住屋吸引。
「飛黃騰達」原作「飛黃騰踏」。 韓愈,字退之,是唐代古文運動的領導者,他主張「尊崇儒學,攘斥佛老」,反對繁采寡情的駢體文,提倡明道致用的散文寫作。
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As mentioned above, the cycle first started to be used for indicating years during the Han dynasty, but it also can be used to indicate earlier years retroactively. Since it repeats, by itself it cannot specify a year without some other information, but it is frequently used with the Chinese era name (年号, 年號; niánhào) to specify a year. The year starts with the new year of whoever is using the calendar. In China, the cyclic year normally changes on the Chinese Lunar New Year. In Japan。